Monday, March 30, 2015

Breeds of rabbits. Beverens.

Beverens - nice rabbits for nice people.

Size: 8-12 pounds
Type of body: long erect ears, pear-shared body, dense coat of black, white (or blue)

Beveren rabbits
Beverens rabbits. Photo by

I would like to tell you about Beveren rabbits. The Beveren rabbit is a rare breed. They are well tempered, clean, and smart. Beverens are full of energy, and love to explore the outdoors. They are recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association in three different colors, Black, Blue, and White. The coat should be dense and glossy with a gentle rollback fur type. Fur length is rather long having an average of 1¼ to 1½ inches. Sometimes this large breed has a pronounced mandolin shape with mature bucks at 8 to 11 pounds and does at 10 to 12 pounds. Their litters are large, the young grow fairly fast, and the does are typically docile and make good mothers. (Wikipedia)

Comparatively speaking, the Beveren standard as printed in the ARBA "Standard of Perfection" remains very much the same in type and structure as that originally developed long ago. However, one major difference is that the ARBA only recognizes black, blue, and blue-eyed varieties in the American Beveren. Also, our British counterparts place a great emphasis on color and coat quality unlike other countries, including the United States, who award twice the percentage the British award for type, which remains for coat and color is consequently less.

Small Beveren rabbits
Small Beveren rabbits

However, due to the limited number of Beverens in the United States, many American fanciers have begun importing stock from Britain to alleviate some of the problems associated with constant in-breeding. Therefore, breeders are hopeful that the Beveren will continue to gain popularity in the United States and continue its development. Do you know any info about Beveren rabbits?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Night of Drinking. Joke about rabbit

A man and his pet rabbit walk into a bar. It's about 5pm, but they're ready for a good night of drinking. 
They start off slowly, watching TV, drinking beer, eating peanuts. As the night goes on they move to mixed drinks, and then shooters, one after the other. 
Finally, the bartender says: "Last call." 
So, the man says, "One more for me... and one more for my rabbit." The bartender sets them up and they shoot them back. Suddenly, the rabbit falls over dead. 
The man throws some money on the bar, puts on his coat and starts to leave. 
The bartender, yells: "Hey buddy, you can't just leave that lyin' there."
To which the man replies: "That's not a lion, that's a rabbit." 

Breeds of rabbits. Belgian Hare.

The Belgian Hare is a most decorative breed for hare with meat. TBH (The Belgian Hare) is one of the older rabbits breeds in North America (USA, Canada). Dating back to the end of 19 century. At the now Belgian Hare is a very rarer breeds. TBH is considered threatened (according to the Russian Rabbits Community and American Livestock Breed Conservancy).

Size of rabbits: 9,5 lbs
Color: brown

Two Belgian Hares
Two Belgian Hares
The Belgian Hare has a short coat and if kept clean, requires little grooming other than an occasional rub over to remove any dead coat. When in moult the coat benefits from a good combing through every other day to remove the old coat. This will help bring the new coat through faster and minimize the old fluffy undercoat matting up when it's on its way out. Wikipedia

Photo by
TBH have a very specific body therefore they are popular among fans of rabbits. The Belgian Hare is most known for its distinctively close resemblance to a hare, with a long, fine body with muscular flank, and distinctly arched back with loins and well-rounded hind quarters.
Like this post? Please read article about American Sable in my blog.

Rabbit ring

O my God! Please, look at this picture! Very nice rabbit ring! I will buy ring of rabbit for my wife on our wedding. Hahaha)))
Rabbit ring by Count blue
Rabbit ring by Count blue

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dwarf rabbits buy or not

Dwarf rabbits - is most popular breed of bunnies. In my blog I write about dwarf rabbits but today i will write in blog-post and add more pictures dwarf rabbits.
gray dwarf rabbits
Mimimi =) Grey dwarf rabbits
Sometimes when we don't have long time we come to home and frustrated because in our home no pets. No cats, no dogs, no parrot, no rabbits... But we don't able to take big rabbit in house. On the other hand, we can keep the house or room dwarf rabbits.

Small dwarf bunny
Small dwarf bunny
Many people have dwarf hare and they say that little rabbit is very good friend. And he eats little. Special feed or grass, fruit ^_^
White little hare
White little hare 

 If you are thinking buy decorative rabbit or not, I will say to you: "Buy dwarf rabbits! You don't regret about this!"

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Breeds of rabbits. American Sable.

Hi everybody! How are you? I hope, you are well. Today i tell you about very interesting rabbits, that Amrican Sable. Maybe you ask: "Why Amrican rabbits? Why American Sable? Why American Chinshilla? Is there no other countries?". I answer, that i write an articles about breeds of rabbits in alphabetical order. OK, American Sable. We are started.

 American Sable

Rabbit size: weight of 10 pounds
Color: Hmmm... White-gray...No... White-brown...No... What is this color?!))

American Sable
American Sable - very interesting rabbit

The American Sable is very beautiful and useful. This breed have a commercial body and suitable for cultivation for sale. This breed don't very popular but they are not in the process of extinction. There are people who care for them. Any blotchiness of shading –which can be easily caused by sunburn or molt — is a fault. A perfectly colored Sable is difficult to produce. A white toenail is also cause for disqualification.  The eyes must possess a ruby glow to avoid disqualification on the show table.  
The color sable is now found in many rabbit breeds, but it first appeared in litters of American Chinchillas or Standard in the 1920 years. Breeders started developing these shaded bunnies and they were accepted into the standard in 1931 years. Ohio remains one of the strongholds of the American Sable today.The darkest period in the breed’s history was in the early eighties, when it would have probably been dropped from the ARBA standard if not for the dedicated effort of an Ohio breeder, Al Roerdanz.  
Today this is all. Friends! Please send a comments!(( 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Breeds of rabbits. American Fuzzy Lop.

Hello to all readers of my blog! In a previous post we talked about American Chinchilla, and today we talk about American Fuzzy Lop.

3. American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit

American Fuzzy Lop rabbit - very small and nice

Color of body: many colors
Size: maximum 4 pounds

American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit Information and History

AFL every day gaining more popularity among the people. Especially for women! Of course, 4 pounds of joy on your couch! These rabbits - dwarfs, with little body and head. The legs are short and thick. Imagine a man. It's horrible looks, right? Now imagine this rabbit. Lovely, beautiful and charming. Why is it so - no one knows the man we need to accept the fact and buy our women American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit. The small size, inquisitive personality, and easy-care coat makes the AFL suitable for a pet, 4-H project, or show animal.
Nature of American Fuzzy Lop reminds me American rabbits. Too calm, quiet and not very active. I think the AFL - decorative rabbits, they should not be propagated to slaughter for meat or wool.
White American Fuzzy Lop
White American Fuzzy Lop. Photo by Wikipedia.

This is all the information I know about AFL. So for now - this is the end. See you in the new article!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Breeds of rabbits. American Chinchilla.

Hello! Today we promote new article about breeds of rabbits. And now we speaking about American Chinchilla. I remind to you, that in last post we wrote about American rabbits.

2. American Chinchilla Rabbits. 

Grey American Chinchilla Rabbits
Colors of body: grey
Bunny size: 4-5,5 kg (9-12 lbs)

American Chinchilla bunny History and Information  

American Chinchilla rabbits resemble real small chinchilla. Mostly they do their gray tint. In Russia they are called "Soviet Chinchilla". Why - no one knows, they say that the Russians and the Americans brought this breed once. These rabbits are often used for fur. To date, these breeds rare find. This happened after 1940. In addition, American chinchilla were spreading. Especially in France. American Chinchilla Rabbits are good breeders, with an average litter of 6-9 kits. Grow their kits very quickly. In truth, I've never seen American chinchilla rabbit.

American Chinchilla Rabbit. Photo by Wikipedia.
That's all. In the third article of breed rabbits will be described American Fuzzy Lop.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Breeds of rabbits. American rabbits.

The "My funny home rabbits" presents series of articles about the breed of rabbits. Today, we start this story. Part 1 types of rabbits about American rabbits!

1. American rabbits

American bunny
Colors of body: white, blue
Bunny size: 4-5,5 kg (9-12 lbs)

American bunny History and Information

           Species established in 1910`s by Lewis Salisbury of Pasadena, California (USA). He has connected with each other breeds of rabbits: the Vienna, Beveren, Blue Imperial, and Flemish Giant. First American rabbits were very popular. After the Second World War, they lost popularity. And by 2000 the world had 200 individuals of this species. Fortunately, in 2005, "Wildlife Fund" American rabbits took under his wing. Now the rabbits population goes up rapidly. 
              Adults  mammals weigh 9-12  pounds (4-4,5 kg). The fur of American rabbits are very much appreciated. Americans bunnies come in two recognized colors: white and blue.  Some citizen of USA says: "We need developed a red American rabbits to add to the blue and white". Very patriotic, really? The eyes of rabbits white as ruby.
              Problems in breeding rabbits:
- large;
- a limited number of rabbits for sale
But friends, if you invest to American bunnies, you will know that you save wealth of nature.

American white rabbit. Photo by Wikipedia   
American blue rabbit. Photo by Wikipedia.
In the next article we will tell about American Chinchilla. See you soon!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Breeding rabbits in a pit

Hello, my Dear readers!
Today I tell you about breeding a rabbits in a pit. In general in the east of Europe people bred rabbits in a hutch. I think that don't only in East Europe but and worldwide. Breeding a bunnies in a pit seems us as something strange. But if understand the details, this is a better way breeding "animals with big ears" than breeding  in hutch. Now I tell you why.

Black and grey rabbits in a pit
In nature, rabbits do not live in cages. In nature, rabbits do not live in cages. In nature rabbits live in the fields, where was digs a hole. When rabbits digging their tunnels, they looking for useful materials, especially chalk. Make dig a hole in compared has a very low cost than make a hutch. 
You are thrifty when handling small amounts of moneyyou will have much. © Proverb
During the construction of the pit should choose a place where there is a strong underwater waters. Particular attention should be paid to spring snowmelt flood because your hole for rabbits. 
You must first divide the square on the area 2x2 meters. Then dig a depth of 2 meters. Do not make a shallow hole, for rabbits will run away and you have to catch them. The walls of the pit Put bricks. One wall of the post hole at a distance of 15-20 cm from the ground. This will be the beginning of a hole. Further rabbits themselves continue this hole. Out of the hole should be only one - it will be easier to care for rabbits, catch them and clean the hole.

Distance of 15-20 cm from the ground
It's basic, what I wanted to tell today. If you have any questions - leave them in the comments to the article.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Care decorative rabbits

Hello everyone! How are you? Hope is good, because the window real spring! Today would like to ask you about decorative rabbits. Did you get ever at home small, decorative rabbits? How to care for them? Where to buy, what price? All these questions are very interested in me, I hope that you will help me.
Decorative rabbit
I think that taking care of decorative rabbits, not much different from the ordinary care of rabbits. Especially with regard to, food. Another thing to hold, decorative rabbits should keep the yard in cages. Only at home!
Mmm... Nice! =)
Decorative Rabbit hutch should be subject to a cleaning every day. House of privacy are cleaned once a week. Periodic general cleaning slots your pet. For this you need hot water and low potassium permanganate solution. Do not try to use detergents and cleaning products, odor and the remains of an adverse effect on the health of the rabbit.

Having a cell in an apartment, avoid drafts, make sure that it was far from heaters and batteries. Direct sunlight is also not desirable for the rabbit. Do not install the cage above the soil surface, a rabbit can fall and break.