Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What rabbits are popular in the UK

I wanted to ask his readers living in the UK. What breed rabbits are popular in your country? Sometimes I have a desire to engage in a massive breeding rabbits. At the moment I have 20 rabbits. Most of them breed Californian rabbit. And i have a Gray Gigant rabbit and Red-haired New Zealand rabbit.
I thought that in the UK rabbits are expensive. In my country they are cheap. I could sell rabbits west Europe. Although probably a lot of permits and documents required to issue. To begin, I want to know which breeds of rabbits are popular in your country (especially in the UK). I am glad for any help!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Amazing facts about rabbits

          Bunnies are a very interesting and amazing type of animal. They are largely underestimated and seen as prey animal and known by kids as "the Easter bunny" that is eaten in a chocolate form on Easter day.  If we notice bunnies are a widely used symbol and do take part in this world. Here are a few facts you may have not known about rabbits. 

   1. Bunnies have an amazing sense of smell, sight and senses, they can almost see a full 360 degrees which allows then to see whenever predators are around.They can see fully behind them and even detect if an animal is camouflaged! Since their eyes are on the side of their head it blacks a small part in front of their nose called a "blind spot." Their whiskers in a way make up for it but they cant smell or see with them just sense where a wall is or when they feel a presence in front of them. Baby bunnies have yet to develop using their whiskers which is why they may run into walls or fall.

2.  Bunnies have big hind feet, they are very powerful and is powerful to the point it can break their own backs from struggling. They can jump up to one meter vertically and 3 meters horizontally.

3. Bunnies love to dig it is in every bunny instinct. They are very territorial and each have their own homes but when you think about it do bunnies make one entrance and one exit? No bunnies memorize many holes they have dug for their home they can have up to 5 entrances and exits knowing which ones are theirs. 

4.  Bunnies have many emotions and many ways to tell us their emotions. Sometimes bunnies will jump and twist its body in the air making it look as if they are going crazy or have pain but its a sign of joy.

5.  Bunnies make noise. Lots of people tend to think bunnies are quiet little animals but they make noise with toys and such but also physically. They can scream when in pain and when being affectionate with humans and or other bunnies they make a low humming noise it can mean a variety of things but it depends on the setting and atmosphere to know what it means. 

6.  Rabbits do a thing called "periscoping" meaning they will stand on their hind legs making them stand as if a human also giving them height to look around and see on a higher level. They are very curious and love to get into things they are not supposed to. 

7. Bunnies get angry. They can be quiet mean (as my bunny has been) They have weird ways of showing anger such as their third eyelid showing, it can also mean stress,confusion,anger or on high alert. They will also make a loud stomping noise with their hind feet when sensing danger, not knowing what a noise is and frustration. 

8. Bunnies are very popular to have as a pet.  For the last 60 year and counting rabbits have been the most household pet in UK and and varying countries.  In the UK in the past 10 years bunnies have been the third most popular pet. In the year 2010 over 1 million rabbits were kept as pets. Although many were kept temporarily not knowing bunnies were so much work some were given away. Did you know bunny owners (doing proper care) will have  spent of over 3,000 dollars per bunny over the course of its lifetime?

9. Bunnies are no easy task. Rabbits are thought of as cute little quiet animals that will cuddle and make great for selfies. they are opposite in fact. Bunnies are loud at night sometimes causing you to loose a bit of sleep, they do not cuddle as often as people think (depending on how you raise your bunny and how much time you spend with it)  They do not sit still for selfies and they are not easy to care for. Just the cleaning process of their habitat can total around 30 minutes.

10.  Bunnies symbols mean fertility and rebirth hence why it is used for spring and Easter.  

11. Rabbits can grow to be large. some bunnies are dwarfs and some are large there currently a rabbit holding the world record of 4 and a half feet long and weighing 49 pounds. The smallest bunny is
only the size of a hand.

12. Although rabbits cost so much and are a hassle to care for they are very clean animals they clean themselves so bathing them is not necessary. It is good to give them a bath maybe once every 4 or so months just to be sure and daily checks for fur health and ears. They can be trained just like dogs to stay and to even be litter trained! It takes time but they can be trained and taught where to go to the bathroom.

13. Bunnies are herbivores eating only vegetables and plants. Since their diet passes so much cellulose they pass two types of stool. One isa hard pellet and the other is a pellet but unfirm and looks more runny. As for cows and other animals burping their food bunnies will re-ingest their feces one the first pass to get the nutrients their body did not take the first time 

14. A bunnies teeth NEVER stop growing! Every single day they grow not a dramatic growth but they grow. If a bunny does not graze or chew things such as cardboard or wood their teeth will grow entirely to long to the point of pain and even death since it hurts to bad to eat.

15. Bunnies can not vomit so if fed something dangerous the poison sits in their body killing or harming them.

16.  Hares are born with their eyes open and a body full of fur, they are able to run within the first few minutes of being born! As for rabbits they are born blind, naked and must spend their first full day in their nest.

17. They word bunny and rabbit mean the exact same thing its just the word we prefer to call them.

18. Bunnies will only lay in an environment that they are trusting of and are comfortable with their owner/caretaker. If they lay in a balled position they do not trust the moment or person, if they lay with their feet stick out and on their back they are fully trusting in the person and environment and feel safe, That's a big compliment from a rabbit.

19.  The worlds oldest rabbit lived to be 16 years old.

20. Bunnies feel emotion, they get lonely and they get sad, angry, frustrated,confused and even excited. Bunnies will lay in one position for a long period of time when the are sad and will jolt up when hearing their owner  and periscoping to show their happiness. They get depressed and sad when their is not interaction between them another bunny or another human. I is important to consider a bunnies feelings when owning one we may not see or hear it but their are many signs that show.

Overall bunnies are awesome animals they will surely lighten your day and they are worth it in the end. I hope these facts have helped some of you who have been considering a rabbit or who were just interested in knowing about bunnies.  

Monday, May 11, 2015

Polish rabbit

  1. Polish rabbit

Hi dear readers! Today we continue series of publication about breeds of bunnies. You be able read articles about Florida White Rabbits or American Sable in older blog post.
Polish rabbit very popular breeds in USA, East Europe, Russia and South of America. In particular Association operates powerful organization in the USA.

Polsih rabbit photo
Polsih rabbit photo
The Polish is one of the smaller domestic rabbit breeds, having a maximum weight allowance of 3 ½ lbs. and an ideal weight of 2 ½ lbs. Polish rabbits are popular for bunny exhibitions and shows. Polish rabbits is bold, big and expressive eyes. This is a distinctive feature of the breed. To date, there 5 different varieties accepted in the Polsih rabbits. Ruby eyed:

  1. Blue eyed
  2. White eyed
  3. Black eyed
  4. Chocolate yeed
  5. Broken template
A few words about American Polish Rabbit Club. American Polish Rabbit Club members have two premier show events which draw seasoned Polish breeders and those just beginning their adventure with "The Little Aristocrat" from all over the United States - The American View the results from the 2014 APRC Polish Nationals Rabbit Breeders National Convention and the National Polish Show.
Black Polish Rabbit
Black Polish Rabbit

In my country (Ukraine) Polish Rabbit not very popular animals because they are quite expensive. But in neighboring Poland this breed is often found in households. This is not surprising "Polish Rabbit" comes from the word "Poland".

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Rabbit island in Japan

What do you think about rabbit island? Ever heard of it? Me too! It turns out that Japan is a small island with rabbits! Around 24 billion pairs of chopsticks are used in Japan each year.

Red rabbit in Japan
Red rabbit in Japan
Hope japan people are not eating them rabbits! They are so cute and defenseless!

Cute and defenseles bunnies
Cute and defenseles bunnies
It looks very good! Some people say it's awful. I do not believe them, and you will not believe it!

Many rabbits live in the city
Many rabbits live in the city
Army of rabbits attacks carrots! No carrots - it tell you. No army - tell me :)

Army of rabbits attacks carrots!
Army of rabbits attacks carrots!
Dear friends! Please send me your photo and stroy (some news, article) about rabbits! I am happy to publish them on the site! My English is bad enough, but I want people to read interesting articles!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Florida White Rabbit + photo with FWRBA Show

Hi our dear readers! Already very long in our blog about rabbits there were no new news. I am sorry that I do not have a lot of time to write to the blog. But I want to write news, photo and video about rabbits. It is very pleasant to see your comments, responses and Google +1 (or Facebook likes). It inspires!
Florida White Rabbit
Florida White Rabbit
Today I tell you about Florida White Rabbit. Some breeds of rabbits have a associations of protect. In particular in USA have a Florida White Rabbit Breeders Association. The dedicated breeders in organization FWBR have increasingly strived for excellence in the breed. Every year in Florida are competitions for rabbits.
For example in 2015 year National Show Results (youth results):
Dailey Jackson
Dailey Jackson
Ellie Karl
Ellie Karl
Coltin Dorrell
Coltin Dorrell
Robby Wampner - BOB - Sr. Doe
Robby Wampner - BOB - Sr. Doe (2013 year)
Florida White on FWRBA Show (2015 year)
Florida White on FWRBA Show (2015 year)
The Florida White is a relatively small breed rabbit originally produced for the laboratory or as a smaller meat rabbit.It is all white in colour with no other markings, with albino red eyes. The Florida White is also an excellent show animal. In 1977 Dale Allison won Best in Show at the ARBA convention in Houston, TX. In the youth, Tonya Forbes won Best in Show at the 1993 ARBA Convention in Tacoma, WA.  With the popularity of the Florida White rabbit, the Florida White Rabbit Breeders Association has grown also. In 1999, Fibber McGehee won Best in Show in Louisville, KY. Florida Whites are frequent Best in Show winners on the local level as well.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Funny pictures about rabbits

Jokes about rabbits
Jokes about rabbits
Angry white bunny
Angry white bunny
bunny yoga class
Bunny yoga class
Rabbit mad "veheterianets"
Rabbit mad "veheterianets"
Rabbit and Turtle
Rabbit and Turtle
Rabbit and Turtle. Version 2.
Rabbit and Turtle. Version 2.

Monday, April 13, 2015

My bunny story

                  My bunny's  name is of course chubbi and she is an unknown breed. I'm a pretty sure she is a bunny that is fairly common its just I haven't taken her in to the vet to get her breed determined. Aside that Lets get started on my story about chubbi.

So I got chubbi Friday November 15th 2013 I remember it like it was yesterday. It was such an exciting day that day I didn't even know I was going to get one. Me and my little sister were upstairs and playing around I had this stuffed animal bunny that I loved I would even dislike mom hitting it or throwing it. It really meant that much to me. So my mom came in the room with a computer and was showing me bunnies and said which do I like there were actually not that  many to pick from. There was a dwarf one I wanted that they said was loving and a girl but it got taken. There were lion heads and not a lop which is one I still one I really love. By the way we searched from craigslist. So after all the searching I saw chubbi there were some black and some white, although I do love white bunnies not with the red eyes though. I instantly picked chubbi. So I confirmed with dad and as he was on the game he said yes. I was really happy my mom called the guy and he said she was still available so I was even more in excitement. I got dressed and we were on our way to get her. :) Before we could get her we got the address and it didn't go through on the gps and I was getting a little worried but she called then confirmed then got it right. After that we still didn't get her we had to go to the store and get things for her we went to Wal-Mart and got a cage which was expensive then a hamster like water bottle, some food, some litter and a food bowl. It all came to 100 dollars plus she was $20. We then didn't get her we had to go get my little brother and sister from school the second we did that then we headed off to get my new little buddy. The place was like 30 minutes away in the middle of nowhere it was weird long one road and some lamas and stuff it looked like a deserted house or something in a movie. We still proceeded and the younger two in the car had asked where we were going we told them and they were happy as well. Got to the house and saw a man standing with a bin under him. We went up and saw at least 7 bunnies in one bin. He said he had lots of animals like rats and 50 snakes! There were like 2 blacks 2 whites  and 2 something else then chubbi she was the only different one so the different person I am I chose her. I was smiling from ear to ear I was very happy. We went home she was on my lap so small and cute I didn't even see her tail which is now as fluffy as cotton. We  put together her cage and all her stuff she roamed around her new surrounding but was very shy I just sat and observed her

Sadly I had dance that night for 1 hour I believe that day. I asked if everyone can babysit her and make sure she was ok until I got back I couldn't wait until I got back home to see her. I dance did my practice and came back home. I didn't even want to eat because I wanted to be with her. That night I stayed with her and watched her talked to her and tried to bond although I had never really researched much about bunnies except they hop.So I learned everything from experience. She was so shy I saw girl on like pinterst with their bunnies taking selfies and their bunnies were so cute with them but I dint realize it would take time to bond with her. I was a little saddened I thought I got a shy sad bunny. She was shy and a little concealed for about 3 months. I honestly think personality of an owner reflects on the animal Chubby is just like me she i outgoing loving and cuddly. She is expressive and It so cute to see some of the things she does to tell me certain things. I love Chubbi and thank you mom for giving me and helping me with her and for the payments you made for her and helping me every step of the way.  I enjoyed every moment of that day and would do it all again. I hope soon or one day to make a q and a video or blog  for her :)

Her first bath 

she got in the middle of our card game to be petted.

        I love my bunny and she means a lot to me she brings new joys everyday and sometimes can be a pain in the butt, but overall she is amazing.

Rabbits brushes photoshop

You can download brushes for Photoshop. Rabbits - very beautiful brushes. I hope you enjoy them! Download brushes for this link.
Rabbits brushes photoshop
Rabbits brushes photoshop

Welcome new site administrator!

Hi dear readers our blog! Welcome new site administrator! Beautiful Nia will write in this blog about rabbits, their life, adventure and many other interesting!

New admin on My funny rabbits
New admin on My funny rabbits

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Drinkers for rabbits + photo

Each rabbit for normal life requires access to clean water. This function is taken over different kinds of troughs for rabbits.
Drinkers for rabbits
Drinkers for rabbits
Drinkers for rabbit must meet several requirements: be comfortable rabbit owner to fill with water, hold daily intake (about 1 liter), protects the contents from various types of water pollution (because rabbit necessarily need fresh clean water) are well secured (the rabbit is not overturned water bottle), to be comfortable for the animal.

Currently sold in pet stores varied in appearance and operation to the drinker for rabbits (photo):

First example drinker for rabbit
First example drinkers for rabbit
And next drinker for bunny

Rabbit drink a water
Rabbit drink a water
  Nice idea to drinkers for rabbits


Nice idea to drinkers for rabbits
  Nice idea to drinkers for rabbits
 Do you have army rabbits or American Sable? This drinker special for you!
Drinkers for army rabbits
Drinkers for army rabbits
And the end last drinker for rabbit

Drinker for bunny
Drinkers for bunny

Many of them can do it myself (not to mention the simple container type "bowl" with high edges, chained to a cage).
Health to you and your rabbit.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Breeds of rabbits. Beverens.

Beverens - nice rabbits for nice people.

Size: 8-12 pounds
Type of body: long erect ears, pear-shared body, dense coat of black, white (or blue)

Beveren rabbits
Beverens rabbits. Photo by raisingrabbitsformeat.com

I would like to tell you about Beveren rabbits. The Beveren rabbit is a rare breed. They are well tempered, clean, and smart. Beverens are full of energy, and love to explore the outdoors. They are recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association in three different colors, Black, Blue, and White. The coat should be dense and glossy with a gentle rollback fur type. Fur length is rather long having an average of 1¼ to 1½ inches. Sometimes this large breed has a pronounced mandolin shape with mature bucks at 8 to 11 pounds and does at 10 to 12 pounds. Their litters are large, the young grow fairly fast, and the does are typically docile and make good mothers. (Wikipedia)

Comparatively speaking, the Beveren standard as printed in the ARBA "Standard of Perfection" remains very much the same in type and structure as that originally developed long ago. However, one major difference is that the ARBA only recognizes black, blue, and blue-eyed varieties in the American Beveren. Also, our British counterparts place a great emphasis on color and coat quality unlike other countries, including the United States, who award twice the percentage the British award for type, which remains for coat and color is consequently less.

Small Beveren rabbits
Small Beveren rabbits

However, due to the limited number of Beverens in the United States, many American fanciers have begun importing stock from Britain to alleviate some of the problems associated with constant in-breeding. Therefore, breeders are hopeful that the Beveren will continue to gain popularity in the United States and continue its development. Do you know any info about Beveren rabbits?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Night of Drinking. Joke about rabbit

A man and his pet rabbit walk into a bar. It's about 5pm, but they're ready for a good night of drinking. 
They start off slowly, watching TV, drinking beer, eating peanuts. As the night goes on they move to mixed drinks, and then shooters, one after the other. 
Finally, the bartender says: "Last call." 
So, the man says, "One more for me... and one more for my rabbit." The bartender sets them up and they shoot them back. Suddenly, the rabbit falls over dead. 
The man throws some money on the bar, puts on his coat and starts to leave. 
The bartender, yells: "Hey buddy, you can't just leave that lyin' there."
To which the man replies: "That's not a lion, that's a rabbit." 

Breeds of rabbits. Belgian Hare.

The Belgian Hare is a most decorative breed for hare with meat. TBH (The Belgian Hare) is one of the older rabbits breeds in North America (USA, Canada). Dating back to the end of 19 century. At the now Belgian Hare is a very rarer breeds. TBH is considered threatened (according to the Russian Rabbits Community and American Livestock Breed Conservancy).

Size of rabbits: 9,5 lbs
Color: brown

Two Belgian Hares
Two Belgian Hares
The Belgian Hare has a short coat and if kept clean, requires little grooming other than an occasional rub over to remove any dead coat. When in moult the coat benefits from a good combing through every other day to remove the old coat. This will help bring the new coat through faster and minimize the old fluffy undercoat matting up when it's on its way out. Wikipedia

Photo by belgianhareclub.com
TBH have a very specific body therefore they are popular among fans of rabbits. The Belgian Hare is most known for its distinctively close resemblance to a hare, with a long, fine body with muscular flank, and distinctly arched back with loins and well-rounded hind quarters.
Like this post? Please read article about American Sable in my blog.

Rabbit ring

O my God! Please, look at this picture! Very nice rabbit ring! I will buy ring of rabbit for my wife on our wedding. Hahaha)))
Rabbit ring by Count blue
Rabbit ring by Count blue

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dwarf rabbits buy or not

Dwarf rabbits - is most popular breed of bunnies. In my blog I write about dwarf rabbits but today i will write in blog-post and add more pictures dwarf rabbits.
gray dwarf rabbits
Mimimi =) Grey dwarf rabbits
Sometimes when we don't have long time we come to home and frustrated because in our home no pets. No cats, no dogs, no parrot, no rabbits... But we don't able to take big rabbit in house. On the other hand, we can keep the house or room dwarf rabbits.

Small dwarf bunny
Small dwarf bunny
Many people have dwarf hare and they say that little rabbit is very good friend. And he eats little. Special feed or grass, fruit ^_^
White little hare
White little hare 

 If you are thinking buy decorative rabbit or not, I will say to you: "Buy dwarf rabbits! You don't regret about this!"